CSS Mercantile Law Past Paper 2000
PART-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2. What are the various kinds of shares? Briefly give distinctive features of each.
Q.3. Under what circumstances will a banker be justified in dishonoring a cheque of a customer?
Q.4. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of registration and non-registration of a firm.
(a) Explain ‘consideration’ as an element in a valid contract. State the exceptions to the rule that an agreement without consideration is void.
(b) Should consideration always move from the promisee?
Q.6. State the various modes in which a contract may be discharged and the modes in which a man may be discharged from the obligations of a contract.
(a) Explain the position and rights of a minor under the law of partnership.
(b) What are the powers and duties of an arbitrator?
Q.8. Explain the general rule that no one can give a better title than he himself possesses. Discuss and illustrate the exceptions to this rule.