CSS Botany Past Paper 2005
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2
(a) Describe in detail the life cycle of Chara. Why is it considered more closely related to Chlorophyceae?
(b) Write a note on the following:
(i) Vegetative reproduction in Nostoc
(ii) Sexual reproduction in Oedogonium
(iii) Plant body of Vaucheria
Q. No. 3
(a) What are the different types of Lichens? Give detailed methods of reproduction in Lichens.
Describe in detail the economic importance of fungi.
Q. No. 4
(a) What do you know about the Stellar System? Describe the different kinds of stele.
(b) Differentiate between the following:
(i) Heartwood and Sapwood
(ii) Protoxylem and Metaxylem
(iii) Parenchyma and Collenchyma
(iv) Porous wood and Non-porous wood
(v) Apical meristem and Lateral meristem
(vi) Taxonomy and Systematics
Q. No. 5
(a) What are the different types of systems of classification? Illustrate your answer with the help of an example.
(b) Write a note on the following:
(i) Binomial Nomenclature
(ii) Rules of Nomenclature
Q. No. 6
(a) Describe in detail the male and female cones of Pinus.
(b) Draw neat and labeled diagrams of the T.S. of a leaf of Pinus.
(c) What are stomata? Describe their structure and functions.
Q. No. 7
(a) Give an account of the life cycle of Equisetum.
(b) Write a detailed note on Pollination.
(c) What do you know about the sporophyte of Riccia?
Q. No. 8
(a) Write down the characters of bryophytes.
(b) Write a note on chemo taxonomy.
(c) What is the economic importance of algae?
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2
(a) Discuss the role of light and the transformation of COâ‚‚ in photosynthesis.
(b) Define respiration. What is meant by respiratory quotient?
(c) What is dormancy? Describe methods of breaking dormancy.
Q. No. 3
(a) Define ecology. Describe applications of ecology in detail.
(b) What is plant succession? Give a detailed account of the process of plant succession starting in a lake.
Q. No. 4
(a) Give an account of methods for the reclamation of waterlogged soil.
(b) Write an essay on natural resources of Pakistan.
Q. No. 5
(a) What is soil erosion? What are its causes? How can we control it?
(b) Environmental pollution is the result of urbanization and industrialization. Comment.
Q. No. 6 Write notes on the following:
(a) Plant Hormones
(b) Vernalization and its significance
(c) Food Web
(d) Methods of Sampling Vegetation
Q. No. 7 Describe the structure and functions of the following cell organelles. Draw diagrams where necessary:
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Cell Wall
(c) Golgi Bodies
(d) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(e) Ribosomes
Q. No. 8
(a) What do you know about the theory of natural selection?
(b) What is mutation? Describe its different types.
(c) Give an account of crossing over and polyploidy.