CSS Botany Past Paper 2007


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2
(a) Comment on the statement that “Cycas is a living fossil”.
(b) Describe the distribution and habitats of conifers of Pakistan.

Q. No. 3
With the help of diagrams and brief notes, compare the structure of dicot stem before and after the secondary growth.

Q. No. 4
(a) State the economic importance of yeasts and agarics.
(b) Give the scientific name of yeasts and agarics.
(c) Starting with Kingdom: Plantae, classify both yeasts and agarics to the level of family.
(d) Give a brief account of the asexual/vegetative reproduction in yeasts and sexual reproduction in agarics.

Q. No. 5
(a) Compare and contrast the structure of the thallus of Riccia with that of Marchantia.
(b) Draw a labeled diagram of the longitudinal section of the capsule of Funaria.

Q. No. 6 How do you differentiate the following?

  • Actinostele, plectostele, siphonostele, solenostele, and dictyostele. Illustrate your answers with suitable examples.

Q. No. 7
(a) Describe briefly the various modes of sexual reproduction in algae, giving examples.
(b) Give an account of the structure of a vegetative cell of Cyanophyceae and compare it with that of Chlorophyceae.
(c) Discuss the economic importance of algae.

Q. No. 8
(a) Describe in detail the characteristic features of the family Fabaceae or Poaceae, giving their floral formula and floral diagram.
(b) Assign any five of the following plants to their respective families:

  1. Cassia fistula
  2. Pyrus malus
  3. Cicer arietinum
  4. Raphanus sativus
  5. Lactuca sativa
  6. Papaver somniferum
  7. Hibiscus esculentus
  8. Zea mays


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2 Write a concise account of the mechanism of transportation and its significance to plants.

Q. No. 3 Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. Write a concise account of meiosis and its significance.

Q. No. 4 What are mutations? Give a critical account of various types of mutations.

Q. No. 5 What is photoperiodism? Give an account of photoperiodic induction and its possible mechanism.

Q. No. 6 Give a detailed account of different xerophytes and their morphological and physiological adaptation.

Q. No. 7
(a) Define ecology, describe applications of ecology in detail.
(b) What is plant succession? Give a detailed account of the process of plant succession starting in a lake.

Q. No. 8
(a) Briefly discuss different theories of evolution. Which theory do you think explains the best process of evolution and why?
(b) Write a note on adaptive mutation.