CSS Agriculture Past Paper 2002
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. In terms of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in Pakistan, how do you comment on the statement? “The basic texture of research consists of dreams into which the trends of reasoning, measurement, and calculations are woven.”
Q. No. 3. What are the functions of water in soil and plants? How does water stress affect plant growth and development?
Q. No. 4. Define growth. Enlist and briefly describe the factors affecting it.
Q. No. 5. Briefly discuss the major problems and possible solutions for increasing the productivity of horticultural crops.
Q. No. 6. Discuss methods of pest control and the pathogen effect on plant physiological functions.
Q. No. 7. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) Soil texture and structure and their management
(b) Application of genetics for the improvement of crops
(c) Conducting tissues of carbohydrates, water, and minerals
(d) Photoperiodic and thermo-integral responses of crop plants
(e) Components of agricultural integrated systems
(f) Role of agriculture in the national economy
Q. No. 8. Differentiate between the following:
(a) Genotype and phenotype
(b) Transpiration and Evapotranspiration
(c) Alley cropping and strip planting
(d) Determinate and Indeterminate plant species
(e) Photosynthesis and Phototropism
NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.