CSS Agriculture Past Paper 2005
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. What are critical issues in agriculture? Write down their solutions for agricultural development in Pakistan.
Q. No. 3. What are soil texture and soil structure? How do the soil texture and structure affect plant growth? Discuss in detail.
Q. No. 4. How can genetic manipulation of field crops improve the tolerance of plants to abiotic stress?
Q. No. 5. How can research play a role in achieving food security? Discuss in detail.
Q. No. 6. What are the different economic decision levels in IPM? Describe the role of IPM in sustainable agriculture.
Q. No. 7. Write short notes on any five of the following:
(a) Role of organic matter in soil productivity
(b) Wind erosion
(c) Challenges in animal production in Pakistan
(d) Major diseases of wheat crop in Pakistan
(e) Principles of crop management
(f) Modern concept of horticultural industry
(g) Photoperiodism
Q. No. 8. Differentiate between the following (any five):
(a) Epigeal germination and Hypogeal germination
(b) Synapsis and Synopsis
(c) Eluviation and Illuviation
(d) Metastasis and Myiasis
(e) True fruits and False fruits
(f) Oviparous insects and Viviparous insects
(g) HPLC and TLC
NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.