CSS Agriculture Past Paper 2010

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR Questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2. Price control mechanisms for some major agricultural commodities have failed in the country in recent years. Identify the main bottlenecks and suggest necessary measures to strengthen the existing marketing system.

Q.3. Biotic stresses are a matter of great concern in agricultural crop production. Provide a comprehensive approach to various pathways to protect the crops from these threats.

Q.4. Discuss the causes of soil salinity and waterlogging in irrigated agriculture. Suggest appropriate recommendations to reclaim saline-sodic soils.

Q.5. Narrate the modern techniques of genetics regarding crop improvement. Discuss the prospects of new technologies for the possibility of another green revolution.

Q.6. Agricultural research has significantly enhanced the productivity of all field crops in Pakistan except oilseeds. Narrate the main shortfalls and discuss the role of various institutions/agencies working on these lines.

Q.7. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following:
(a) Challenges in livestock management
(b) Genetic resources and their conservation
(c) Organic crop production
(d) Potential of the horticulture sector as an industry
(e) Range management in Pakistan
(f) Foot and mouth disease

Q.8. Differentiate between the following (ANY FOUR):
(a) Gram blight and Gram wilt
(b) C3 and C4 plants
(c) Biological nitrogen fixation and nitrification
(d) Silviculture and sericulture
(e) Respiration and transpiration
(f) Basic seed and certified seed

NOTE: Before 2016 Agriculture & Forestry were Two Different Papers.