CSS European History Past Paper 2019

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. Why did the post-French Revolution phase mark the emergence of rational and effective governments in Europe.

Q. No. 3. How did the peace settlement of 1814-15 restore the effective balance of power and pave the way for European peace.

Q. No. 4. What social movements led to the political consolidation of various states of the Italian peninsula into a unified nation of Italy.

Q. No. 5. Write an account of Bismarck’s diplomacy for Germany that made it a leading European state.

Q. No. 6. Why did Europe become a continent of dictatorships after the First World War.

Q. No. 7. What was the impact of German reunification on Eastern Europe and the USSR.

Q. No. 8. Why did the concept of supranational European institutions emerge in the aftermath of World War II.