CSS History of Pakistan & India Past Paper 2021

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2. Discuss the sway of Sufism in 13th Century AD.

Q. No. 3. Estimate the Hindu Reformist and Political Movements of 19th and 20th Century AD and also their impact on Muslim Society and Politics.

Q. No. 4. Explain in detail the sufferings of the Muslims under the Congress ministries’ rule. How did the Muslims celebrate their resignation in 1939?

Q. No. 5. Examine those provisions of Nehru Report which affected Muslims. What was Muslim response to these provisions?

Q. No. 6. “East Pakistan was the Test of Pakistani Leadership.” Discuss.

Q. No. 7. Akbar failed to establish “Nationalism” in the subcontinent. Discuss.

Q. No. 8. Examine Indo-Pak relations in the wake of Kashmir Issue. Give your recommendations to resolve this issue.