CSS British History Past Paper 2016
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II by selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION. (20×4)
Q2. What measures were adopted by England to check the influence of the French Revolution of 1789 on England?
Q3. Analyze critically the Reform Act of 1832.
Q4. “Lord Palmerston was more successful as Foreign Minister than as Prime Minister.” Critically analyze.
Q5. Explain the policy of Disraeli with special reference to peace with honour.
Q6. “Margaret Thatcher is judged to be the best post-war Prime Minister of England.” Discuss.
Q7. Discuss the main features of the foreign policy of David Cameron with special reference to the Middle East.
Q8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Second World War
(b) Treaty of Berlin
(c) Fabianism