CSS Islamic History & Culture Past Paper 2010
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 Point out the major world civilizations at the dawn of Islam, with special emphasis on their intellectual activities and socio-political institutions.
Q.3 ‘HIJRAH’ was the turning point in the history of Islam. Discuss.
Q.4 ‘Teachings of the Holy Prophet laid the foundations of a new and revolutionary world order.’ Comment.
Q.5 In what respect Islamic Political System is different from western secular democracy, theocracy, and monarchy?
Q.6 Give a critical study of the causes and consequences of the political and ideological differences raised after the assassination of Hazrat Usman Ghani.
Q.7 Write an essay on ANY ONE of the following:
(i) Baghdad under early Abbasids.
(ii) Philosophical progress of the Muslims during the Abbasid period.
Q.8 Critically evaluate the Ottoman’s administrative reforms with special reference to TANZIMAT.
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2 Describe the causes and consequences of early Muslim conquests of Egypt and North Africa.
Q.3 “The battle which gave Abdur Rahman Ad-Dakhil the throne was fought at Masarah and proved a second Marj – Rahat” (Ameer Ali). Discuss.
Q.4 “Abdur Rahman an-Nasir was unquestionably the ablest and most gifted of all the Omayyad sovereigns who have ruled in Spain.” Comment.
Q.5 Discuss the main features of Muslim contribution to philosophy in Spain with brief notes on any three important philosophers of that period.
Q.6 Write a comprehensive note on Muslim architecture in Spain with special reference to ‘Qasr az-Zahra’ and ‘Al Hambra’.
Q.7 ‘The scientific and literary progress of the Muslims in Spain and Sicily laid the foundation of renaissance in Europe.’ Discuss with evidence.
Q.8 Write an essay on ANY ONE of the following topics:
(i) Cairo under Fatimids.
(ii) Cordova under Omayyads.