CSS Islamic History & Culture Past Paper 2012


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Give an analytical study of the socio-political and economic conditions of the Peninsula of Arabia at the advent of Islam.
Q.3 Give a critical study of the Pact of Medina and discuss its importance in the then society of Medina.
Q.4 Highlight the causes and the consequences of the “expansion policy” during the Pious Caliphs.
Q.5 Discuss the nature and importance of the reforms of Abdul Malik Bin Marwan.
Q.6 “MUTAWAKKIL, the NERO of the ARAB, was responsible for the decline of the Empire.” Comment.
Q.7 Give a critical study of the intellectual development of the Saracens in Baghdad.
Q.8 Give an analytical study of the central administrative structure of the Ottoman Sultans.


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 Give a detailed study of the origin and characteristics of Islamic Civilization.
Q.3 “The Civilization of Medieval Islam grew and blossomed as one of the brilliant civilizations of humanity.” Comment.
Q.4 Give a short sketch of Arab Academies and their teachers in Baghdad.
Q.5 “The Conquest of Spain was a beacon of knowledge to Europe.” Discuss.
Q.6 Highlight the main reasons for the Ottomans becoming ‘the sick man of Europe’.
Q.7 Estimate the colonial impact on Muslim society under European rule.
Q.8 Describe the impacts of Islam on Hinduism with special reference to the unorthodox movement of the Bhakti Cult.
Q.9 Write detailed notes on the life and work of the following:
(i) Ibn-e-Khaldun.
(ii) Ibn-e-Sina.