CSS Islamic History & Culture Past Paper 2013


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q.2 The Byzantine civilization was one of the major civilizations of its time. Explain its major achievements and the causes of its downfall.
Q.3 Describe any TWO of the following institutions of Islam in the light of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and how to put them into service in the present Muslim states?
(a) Judicial System
(b) Economic Organism
(c) Character building and social order
Q.4 Explain the basis on which Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) became a Khalifah/Caliph and pen down his role as a protector of the Islamic way of life.
Q.5 Describe the scientific and literary advancements of the Abbasid period and how it can be revived in the present?
Q.6 Give an account of the fall and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and describe its similarities with the present Muslim rule.
Q.7 The Muslim civilization gave a new religious and socio-political order. Give a comparison with the New World Order.
Q.8 Explain the impact of Mithaq-e-Madina in shaping the divergent living state of society in Medina and how it can be employed now? Discuss.


PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q. No. 2 What is meant by Civilization and Culture and how it affects our life? Also, analyze the foundation of modern civilization.
Q. No. 3 Give a brief sketch on “Evolution of Knowledge, especially in the field of Science and Wisdom” in Muslim Spain.
Q. No. 4 “The downfall of the Muslim Community”, how do you consider it as a blessing or loss for mankind? Discuss it in detail.
Q. No. 5 The Role model for Muslim rulers may be as under:
(i) Monarchy
(ii) Khilafat
(iii) Democracy
Which one is most practical and suitable to solve major problems of the contemporary Muslim Ummah in the light of Islamic teachings?
Q. No. 6 Highlight the main reasons and causes of the Ottoman Empire’s expansion and service towards Islam after the fall of Baghdad.
Q. No. 7 Write a comprehensive note on the nature and importance of Abbasid institutions, with special reference to Bait-ul-Hikmah and its impact on society.
Q. No. 8 Write detailed notes on the life and works of the following:
(a) Shah Wali Ullah Dehlavi
(b) S. Ameer Ali