CSS History of Pakistan & India Past Paper 2010
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. 2. Critically evaluate the causes for the decline of Muslim Rule in India.
Q. 3. Compare and contrast the manifestos of All-India National Congress and All-India Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were some common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with each other later on?
Q. 4. Lucknow Pact, 1916 is considered the culmination of Hindu-Muslim unity. What circumstances led to the historical pact between the Hindus and Muslims? Discuss its main points and also analyze the causes for its failure.
Q. 5. Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best alternative for the partition of India in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations and also analyze why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties of India?
Q. 6. Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically evaluate the aforementioned issues highlighting its role in the process of constitution making.
Q. 7. Kashmir is a major bottle-neck between Pakistan-India friendly relations. Trace out the history of Kashmir problem with focus on different suggestions for its solution from different quarters. Also come up with your own recommendations for its amicable solution.
Q. 8. Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects of the General Zia ul Haq and General Pervaiz Musharaf eras in the history of Pakistan. Do they have any commonalities, or were they totally different in all respects? Critically evaluate.