CSS History of Pakistan & India Past Paper 2013
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.No. 2. Analyze the impact of the British East India Company’s Rule (1757-1857) upon the Muslims of Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent.
Q.No. 3. Bring out the role of Aligarh Movement in the intellectual and political awakening of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent.
Q.No. 4. “The period between 1912-1916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the main Indian political parties”. Discuss.
Q.No. 5. Trace the course of the Khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of Indian nationalism.
Q.No. 6. “The policies of Indian National Congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to make the partition of India inevitable”. Discuss.
Q.No. 7. Analyze the policies of Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as General Secretary of Muslim League and as a Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Q.No. 8. “Muslim Countries look towards Pakistan as a Fort of Islam”. Discuss Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim world.