CSS Town Planning & Urban Management Past Paper 2020
CSS Town Planning & Urban Management Past Paper 2019 | CSS Town Planning & Urban Management Past Paper 2020 |
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q.2. How is housing for lower- and middle-income people becoming a challenge? Why do site and service schemes fail to address the issue of housing for all segments of society? Discuss.
Q.3. What are the main factors contributing to the development of heat islands in our cities? How can its impacts be reduced? Discuss.
Q.4. Differentiate between Urban Design, Urban Planning, and Architecture by giving examples. Explain the role of each one in the achievement of a livable and compact city.
Q.5. How do planned Public Capital Investment (PCI) contribute to land use control? Support your answer by giving live examples from developed world cities.
Q.6. How can a development plan be made effective to address the issue of spatial growth in cities? Illustrate with examples.
Q.7. Highlight the importance of urban design in achieving a sustainable urban form. What role can urban design play in the livability of a city? Explain.
Q.8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
- Urban Regeneration
- National Environmental Policy
- Urban Economy