CSS Public Administration Past Paper 2013

PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks

Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)


Q2. What is planning? Why are the disadvantages of planning called potential disadvantages? Outline the relationship among the six steps in the planning process.

Q3. Discuss the role of social media in implementing public accountability in developing societies like Pakistan.

Q4. Transactional and transformational leadership styles are suggested for political leaders. Which one is better for Pakistan and why?

Q5. What are the communication issues for the Citizen-Government relationship in Pakistan?

Q6. What is the difference between power and authority? Describe the role of power in the control process.

Q7. Elaborate on the interference of the Halo effect and stereotyping in the recruitment of knowledge workers.

Q8. Write notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Role of public administration in the modern welfare state
(b) Ecology of Bureaucracy
(c) Problems of coordination in public administration in Pakistan
(d) Performance budgeting