CSS Business Administration Past Paper 2012
PART-2(Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II selecting AT LEAST ONE question from EACH SECTION. (20×4)
Q. 2. What is leadership? List and explain different types of leaders. Discuss any one theory of leadership.
Q. 3. Why motivation is considered necessary in today’s organizations to increase efficiency of the employees? Briefly describe any one theory of motivation.
Q. 4. Describe major functions of Management. Discuss its significance for modern business organizations.
Q. 5. Briefly describe main features of marketing environment.
Q. 6. What is “Marketing Mix”? Discuss the role of marketing mix in the marketing process for increasing sales volumes.
Q. 7. Describe main features of marketing role in the society. Discuss its impact on human life.
Q. 8. Describe main features of financial management. Discuss the role of Finance Manager in any organization.
Q. 9. Do adjusting entries affect Income Statement Accounts, Balance Sheet Accounts, or both? Discuss.
Q. 10. How the Financial Statements are analyzed and interpreted through ratio analysis.