CSS International Relations Past Paper 2023
PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. Discuss the main principles of Constructivism in International Relations. Give a comparative analysis of Constructivism and Realism with examples.
Q. No. 3. What are the best policy options to deal with asymmetrical warfare?
Q. No. 4. The role of the IMF in developing countries is a contested issue in academic research. What are some positive and negative implications on low-income countries?
Q. No. 5. Discuss the significance of the IAEA. Critically evaluate its role in nuclear non-proliferation.
Q. No. 6. Do you think the global power structure is passing through a transition? What are the contours of big powers’ strategic realignment?
Q. No. 7. Discuss the concept of state sovereignty. What are the major arguments about non-interference in International Law?
Q. No. 8. Does China’s rise challenge the global political system? What are the implications on Balance of Power Politics?
PAPER-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. (20×4)
Q. No. 2. John Mearsheimer blames the United States for the ongoing Ukraine Crisis. How do you assess this crisis? Support your argument by drawing empirical evidence from the conflict scenarios.
Q. No. 3. What are the various strands of the Indo-Pacific construct of the U.S. and its allies? What are the options for Pakistan to deal with the significance assigned to India in the Indo-Pacific region?
Q. No. 4. Write a detailed note on the evolving domestic political dynamics of Afghanistan in the wake of U.S. withdrawal from the country. Discuss key constraints to Pakistan’s foreign policy towards Afghanistan.
Q. No. 5. Pakistan is reckoned among the top 10 most vulnerable countries to climate change. What urgent policy measures does Pakistan need to initiate to mitigate the climate effects?
Q. No. 6. Pakistan has affirmed its commitment to the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How modest is Pakistan’s progress on SDGs and what are the challenges that Pakistan faces in realizing these goals?
Q. No. 7. How has India’s scrapping of its constitutional law (Articles 370 and 35A) that granted special status to Indian-administered Kashmir impacted the legal standing of the Kashmir dispute?
Q. No. 8. How are international financial institutions i.e., FATF, IMF, and multilateral organizations used as tools of coercion? What are the options for countries like Pakistan to safeguard their interests?