CSS Political Science Past Paper 2011
PAPER-I (Objective) 20 Marks
Q:1 Multiple Choice Question (20)
1. Tahafut al-falasifa (Incoherence of Philosophers) was written by:
(a) Ibn-e-Arabi
(b) Ibn-e-Rushd
(c) Al-Ghazali
(d) None of these
2. A legal proceeding during which an individual’s right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged, is called:
(a) Writ of certiorari
(b) Writ of quo warranto
(c) Writ of mandamus
(d) None of these
3. Ibn Khaldun wrote his book, “Muqaddimah” in:
(a) 1371
(b) 1377
(c) 1402
(d) None of these
4. People’s cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the Post Cold War World:
(a) Fukuyama
(b) Brzezinski
(c) Kissinger
(d) None of these
5. Alexander of Macedonia was a student of:
(a) Socrates
(b) Plato
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these
6. Ibn Khaldun was contemporary of:
(a) Amir Tamur
(b) Al-Musta’sim
(c) Ghiyasuddin Balban
(d) None of these
7. A form of closure under which a bill is divided into compartments, groups of which must be completely dealt with each day is called:
(a) Kangaroo closure
(b) Guillotine closure
(c) Simple closure
(d) None of these
8. Ilm-Al-Iqtisad was a treatise written by:
(a) Allama Iqbal
(b) Al-Mawardi
(c) Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi
(d) None of these
9. The Long March began the ascent to power of:
(a) Mao Zedong
(b) Chiang Kai Shek
(c) Ho Chi Minh
(d) None of these
10. Al Farabi was the author of:
(a) Siyasat Nameh
(b) Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniyyah
(c) Al-Madinat Al-Fadilah
(d) None of these
11. The powers of the centre vis-à-vis federating units were increased through:
(a) Senatorial Courtesy
(b) Pocket Veto
(c) Doctrine of Implied Powers
(d) None of these
12. In Pakistan, the doctrine of necessity was invoked by:
(a) Justice Cornelius
(b) Justice Munir
(c) Justice Hamoodur Rehman
(d) None of these
13. Article 58 2(b) was invoked to dissolve the National Assembly of Pakistan:
(a) Four times
(b) Three times
(c) Twice
(d) None of these
14. Leviathan is a book written by:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Locke
(c) Hobbes
(d) None of these
15. Perestroika means:
(a) To speak openly and honestly
(b) Restructuring
(c) Workers
(d) None of these
16. The Art of War is written by:
(a) Mao
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Lenin
(d) None of these
17. A necessary moral code for conducting the business of the state is called:
(a) Ordinance
(b) Convention
(c) Constitution
(d) None of these
18. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is the famous quotation by:
(a) Lord Curzon
(b) Winston Churchill
(c) Lord Acton
(d) None of these
19. As per Marx, in the stage of communism the governing principle will be:
(a) Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others
(b) From each according to his ability, to each according to his work
(c) From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
(d) None of these
20. A _____ is a type of sovereign state characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central government.
(a) Unitary state
(b) Federation
(c) Confederation
(d) None of these
PAPER-I (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, by selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION. (20×4)
Q. 2. Discuss Locke and Hobbes’ perspectives on the “State of Nature.”
Q. 3. Marx’s historical materialism is the application of dialectical materialism to explain historical events, processes, and developments in society. Elaborate.
Q. 4. Critically appreciate Al-Ghazali’s theory of Khalafat.
Q. 5. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Platonic and Aristotelian paradigms.
(ii) Iqbal’s concept of Millet.
Q. 6. Write a comprehensive note on the power of judicial review and its limits in the context of Pakistan.
Q. 7. What are the prerequisites for the success of a democratic political system?
Q. 8. Write short notes on the following:
(i) The nature and emergence of the “nation-state.”
(ii) Rights and duties are two facets of the same coin.
PAPER-II (Objective) 20 Marks
Q:1 Multiple Choice Question (20)
1. The new Constitution of the USA came into force in:
(a) 1787
(b) 1788
(c) 1789
(d) None of these
2. Some revolted colonies of Great Britain formed an American Confederation and adopted the “Articles of Confederation,” the 1st constitution in 1777; they all were:
(a) 11
(b) 13
(c) 15
(d) None of these
3. The white paper of 1st November, 1968 declared that on 1st August, 1968, the House of Lords consisted of 1062 members, in which Hereditary Peers by Succession were:
(a) 771
(b) 751
(c) 736
(d) None of these
4. The membership of the Privy Council consists of:
(a) 300
(b) 200
(c) 100
(d) None of these
5. The 3rd French Republic was properly established in:
(a) 1873
(b) 1874
(c) 1875
(d) None of these
6. General de Gaulle took oath as the First President of the Fifth French Republic on:
(a) 8th January, 1959
(b) 18th January, 1958
(c) 5th January, 1957
(d) None of these
7. During 1533 to 1583 (for half a century), Russia was ruled by:
(a) Ivan III
(b) Ivan IV
(c) Alexander the Great
(d) None of these
8. The former emperor of Russia enjoyed the title of:
(a) King
(b) Sir
(c) Lord
(d) None of these
9. The Ottoman Empire flourished and expanded under the dynamic leadership of:
(a) Usman Khan
(b) Aur Khan
(c) Murad Khan
(d) None of these
10. On approval of the Constitution of Turkey, Kenan Evren was automatically elected as President for:
(a) 5 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 7 years
(d) None of these
11. In eleven years (1941 – 1952), the Cabinet was officially formed in Iran for:
(a) 26 times
(b) 25 times
(c) 24 times
(d) None of these
12. The Shah of Iran (the Last King) left the country forever on the morning of 16th January of the year:
(a) 1977
(b) 1978
(c) 1979
(d) None of these
13. “Cadres are national assets and a matter of pride for the Party,” is said by:
(a) Leo Shon Chi
(b) Marx
(c) Lenin
(d) None of these
14. The golden period of Qing rule was during:
(a) 1651 – 1661
(b) 1641 – 1651
(c) 1661 – 1671
(d) None of these
15. In 1957, the membership of the “Rajya Sabha,” the Upper House of India, was raised to:
(a) 220
(b) 230
(c) 240
(d) 250
16. Members elected from the Centre in the “Lok Sabha,” the Lower House of India, are only:
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
17. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was offered a job in 1839 as a:
(a) Clerk
(b) Sub-Judge
(c) Chief Judge
(d) None of these
18. Due to Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement, Quaid-e-Azam resigned from Congress in:
(a) 1920
(b) 1921
(c) 1923
(d) None of these
19. The 1st regular session of the All India Muslim League was held at Karachi on 29th and 30th December of the year:
(a) 1905
(b) 1906
(c) 1907
(d) None of these
20. The Constitution Committee, under Abdul Hafeez Pirzada, presented the draft Constitution of 1973 on:
(a) 2nd February, 1973
(b) 12th February, 1973
(c) 12th April, 1973
(d) None of these
PAPER-II (Subjective) 80 Marks
Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, by selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION. (20×4)
Q. 2. Discuss the scope and significance of Judicial Review. Offer your criticism also.
Q. 3. What are the principles on which the British Cabinet is organized and functions? Also, mention four occasions of Cabinet change.
Q. 4. Enumerate the reasons for the downfall of the Fourth French Republic and discuss the salient features of the 1958 Constitution.
Q. 5. How is the Grand National Assembly in Turkey elected? Discuss its powers and functions.
Q. 6. Compare and analyze the role played by the Judiciary in Pakistan and discuss future expectations and options available in the best interest of the state.
Q. 7. Write notes on any two of the following:
(i) Factors responsible for the evolution of the Two Nation Theory.
(ii) Basic principles of Iranian foreign policy.
(iii) Impact on the region of the latest US President’s visit to India.
Q. 8. How are political parties organized in China? Discuss the organization and function of the Chinese Communist Party.